How to connect to QMUL’s Eduroam wifi with a new password on Windows 10

Admittedly this one might be a bit niche. It’s something I probably do no more than twice a year, whenever I am forced to change my password.

The trick is to forget Eduroam. I’ve spent much longer than is reasonable trying to prod it into prompting me for the new password but it refuses, so the successful route was basically to turn it off and on again.

There’s more than one way to reach the network settings but today I did it by clicking on the wifi icon in the bottom right tray…

01 network and internet settings
I’m sure you know which one is the wifi icon but in case not it’s between the battery icon and the muted speaker icons. Let’s assume you know those too 🙂

…then clicking Network & Internet settings. This brings up a range of options in a menu on the left and the one I want is Wi-Fi. Once clicked the text on the right shows me a new option, Manage known networks

02 manage known networks

…which lets me find Eduroam, click on it and forget it (or check its properties).

03 forget

Then start the process again by clicking the wifi icon bottom right, it will include Eduroam in the list (assuming it’s in range) and at this point will ask you for your login name and password. Remember that for QMUL folk the login is NOT the same as your email address.

Pictures to follow…